2019 TUN Data Challenge

Brief overview of the TUN Data Challenge I conducted with a team as part of SNHU experiential learning course. We work with client, marketing, and interaction data from non-profit, Hire Heroes USA to answer business problems specified by the organization. Our process involved: Defining goals, cleaning data, exploratory data analysis, statistical analysis, data visualization, and communicating results. Final results from the contest are still pending, expected in late July.

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Identifying Advertisements with ANN's

I pull data from the UCI Machine Learning Repo and use it to train a model which can identify advertisements based upon their image size and URL terminology. I work through cleaning the data, attempting a few different fitting algorithms, and end with some parameter-tuning of an ANN. My final model results in over 97% accuracy in classifying advertisements in testing. Originally conducted for a Machine Learning course as SHHU focused on the R language.

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Nightingale Rose in R

Summary: I recently tracked my daily coffee consumption and thought it would be interesting to find a fun way to visual it. After some exploration of options in R, I decided to give a Nightingale Rose Diagram a try.

Foreign Trade Flows (Chord Diagram)

In honor of the looming trade war, here's a diagram I made which displays how much money changed hands in trade between the US, EU, Canada, and Mexico in 2016. While it may look like a relatively small portion of the aggregate total trade, thats still a lot of money.

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Time Series Analysis in R

Lately I've been looking to explore time-series modeling and to get more practice with manipulating data in R. Luckily, a dataset on Kaggle provided me the opportunity to do both of these things. Attempting to predict future sale volume of items in stores (from 1-C russian store sales dataset) gave me the chance to apply the theoretical knowledge I've been studying of time-series analysis (ARIMA in particual). Additionally, I was able to get more comfortable with dplyr and lubridate in the process. more ...

Nigerian Airline Frequency Analysis

A summary report of work I did for a Data Analytics II course at SNHU. Fictional company, Austin Air, is looking to enter the international airline industry with a goal of capturing a significant market share of business focused around Nigeria. Analysis will provide a look at the current industry and suggest strategies towards implementing a pilot program for the company to introduce to the market and achieve their goal.

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