Forecasting Chicago Crime Rates with SARIMA

My last project of automating a data import pipeline for Chicago's crime data created the perfect environment for using past crime rates to predict future. I use SARIMA time-series forecasting to predict weekly crime rates 6-months out for the city and create a heatmap of location by time to further identify crime trends for Chicago.

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2019 TUN Data Challenge

Brief overview of the TUN Data Challenge I conducted with a team as part of SNHU experiential learning course. We work with client, marketing, and interaction data from non-profit, Hire Heroes USA to answer business problems specified by the organization. Our process involved: Defining goals, cleaning data, exploratory data analysis, statistical analysis, data visualization, and communicating results. Final results from the contest are still pending, expected in late July.

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Quick Life-Expectancy Visualizations

A few visuals I created in Tableau displaying some trends in life expectancy by country. Data was sources from the World Bank Open Data website and includes life expectancy at birth of around 200 countries from between 1968 and 2014. Originally conducted for SNHU Data Visualization homework assignment in which to express data in five different method classifications: comparison, hierarchical, temporal, correlation, and geo-spatial.

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A Baby on the Way

My wife and I have a child on the way! With this on my mind lately, I thought it would be interesting to grab some data and visualize tendencies seen throughout pregnancy and birth. I dug into CDC: National Center for Health Statistics and Social Security datasets and found a few interesting trends to visualize.

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Nigerian Airline Frequency Analysis

A summary report of work I did for a Data Analytics II course at SNHU. Fictional company, Austin Air, is looking to enter the international airline industry with a goal of capturing a significant market share of business focused around Nigeria. Analysis will provide a look at the current industry and suggest strategies towards implementing a pilot program for the company to introduce to the market and achieve their goal.

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Return on Marketing Investment

Another project completed during Udemy's Tableau A-Z course. This was more focused on exploration and analysis of the data provided. Cluster analysis in particular was explored and evaluated throughout.

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