A Few Macroeconomic Graphs in R

Collection of the graphs- and code to create such graphs- I threw together for a macroeconomics final project. Project's focus was a survey of the macroeconomic environment of the U.S. between 1995-2005 and the effects particular events within that time had on GDP, Growth, Unemployment, Trade, etc.
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Coffee Buyer Survey

Analysis of a quick three-day survey conducted on google forms regarding customer preferences and reasons for buying coffee beans. Not necessarily a randomized sample as it was distrbuted through social media means, yet still an interesting view on people's preferences when considering where to purchase coffee beans. Project originally conducted for a research methodologies class at Southern New Hampshire University.

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Goodreads Exploration

Exploratory data analysis of Goodreads.com 'Best Books Ever' ranking list. User opinion and voting on books was scraped with help of Kimono API, then cleaned and aggregated to facilitate analysis. Originally conducted for Udacity Nanodegree project.
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