US Birth Rates

Created for practice with D3.js after exploring US baby name dataset obtained from Thought it would be interesting to view the birth rates of the population in the US, split by region and state. Also included a hover function to display the most popular names in each of these respective subsets per year.
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Goodreads Exploration

Exploratory data analysis of 'Best Books Ever' ranking list. User opinion and voting on books was scraped with help of Kimono API, then cleaned and aggregated to facilitate analysis. Originally conducted for Udacity Nanodegree project.
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TDWP Show Heatmap

Chloropleth of my band, The Devil Wears Prada's shows over several years. Interesting to see the states which tend to see the most shows, and the progression of show count over the years. My first d3.js project which was originally conducted for's data visualization class as part of their data analysis nanodegree program.
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