Quick Life-Expectancy Visualizations

A few visuals I created in Tableau displaying some trends in life expectancy by country. Data was sources from the World Bank Open Data website and includes life expectancy at birth of around 200 countries from between 1968 and 2014. Originally conducted for SNHU Data Visualization homework assignment in which to express data in five different method classifications: comparison, hierarchical, temporal, correlation, and geo-spatial.

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A Baby on the Way

My wife and I have a child on the way! With this on my mind lately, I thought it would be interesting to grab some data and visualize tendencies seen throughout pregnancy and birth. I dug into CDC: National Center for Health Statistics and Social Security datasets and found a few interesting trends to visualize.

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Foreign Trade Flows (Chord Diagram)

In honor of the looming trade war, here's a diagram I made which displays how much money changed hands in trade between the US, EU, Canada, and Mexico in 2016. While it may look like a relatively small portion of the aggregate total trade, thats still a lot of money.

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